Green Technology

Passivhaus - Enerphit Standard Surpassed

Our first air test has taken place on this complex passivhaus refurbishment / retrofit and we are pleased to have surpassed the standard achieving 0.4 air changes per hour.

The use of Passive House components in refurbishments of existing buildings leads to extensive improvements with reference to thermal comfort, economic efficiency, absence of structural damage and climate protection.

The Tree House, Clapham

Well insulated, air tight timber framed two-bedroom house on 6.6m wide site with access restricted by the eponymous tree. The design strategy aimed to achieve a 'zero carbon' performance and the house was built to stringent standards.

This included high performance windows and whole house mechanical ventilation. The energy systems include rain water recycling, photo-voltaic generation of electricity and a system of hot water generation that combines a solar thermal panel with a vertical ground loop heat pump. Hot water is for both domestic use and underfloor heating.